
Wayne RESA's SMART Payroll System is an extensive human resource and payroll system with integration to the general ledger, time and attendance, and fringe benefit systems. Each component efficiently manages and easily maintains all employee-related information.
SMART Payroll System provides payroll administration capabilities and integration to the general ledger system
Have a question about SMART?
Submit a ticket via email Please be sure to include the following information in your email:
- Details related to the issue
- Image of what is displayed on your screen
- How often has the issue occurred
- Contact information (name, district, and phone number)
- Availability
- Urgency of request
You may also call (734) 334-1855 to leave a voicemail. The voicemail is automatically directed to our helpdesk application. A Business Analyst will respond when they are able.
Do you have an urgent issue? Call (734) 334-1351 during normal business hours and your call will be directed to a Business Analyst immediately.
Documentation is only accessible within the application, SMART Web or through our client Google Drive. If you need access to documentation or can’t find what you are looking for, please submit a ticket to
Software Upgrades and Releases
Below are two links. The first is for Consortium members to implement our software installations. A login ID and password are needed to access the software installations. If you need assistance with an ID, please call your content consultant at (734) 334-1353. The second link is for application software release notes.
About the Payroll System
Payroll Processing
- Virtually unlimited earnings and deductions
- Comprehensive tax processing and reporting
- In-depth labor distribution
- Bank services
- Complete payment history tracking
- Online pay calculation
- General ledger interface
Flexible Time and Attendance Tracking
SMART Payroll System offers time and attendance tracking and allows a wide choice of:
- Time entry methods
- Computing platforms
- Interfaces with payroll
Payroll Listserv
RESA Information Technology Human Resource and Payroll staff send important notices, tips and other communications through the Listserv.
Sign Up
Please sign up for the Listserv by sending an email to
In the body of the message type: subscribe payroll YourFirstName YourLastName.
You will receive an email message back indicating the add was successful. You are now on the list.
To unsubscribe, send an email to
Do NOT put a Subject line in email.
In the body of the message on one line type: Unsubscribe payroll YourFirstName YourLastName