Early Education

Wayne RESA is proud to be a partner working with school districts, agencies and families to best prepare young children for success in school and in life. Our early childhood staff connect parents and service providers in Wayne County to resources and information. Please contact us if you have questions.
Special Education Referrals
To make a referral for Special Education Supports, please use either of the two links below for Build Up or Child Find or call the Wayne RESA Referral Hotline: (734) 334-1393.
0 years to 2 years, 10 months
Submit a referral for Early On for Wayne County
Learn more about Early On
2 years, 11 months to 4 years
Submit a referral for special education on Build Up Learning
Learn more about Build Up
Kindergarten and up
Submit a referral for special education on Child Find
Learn more about Child Find
School Nurses Consulting Services
Medical Emergency Response Team (M.E.R.T.) Training
There is no cost to attend for schools participating in the School Nurse Consulting Services Cost-Sharing Program. Please email earlychildhood@resa.net to get your staff registered.
Medical Emergency Response Team (M.E.R.T.) Protocol
Staff Contacts Please provide us with contact information of the primary point of contact for each building in your district.
Early On
Early On® is an IDEA mandated initiative designed to provide unduplicated, comprehensive services to eligible infants and toddlers and their families. RESA collaborates with other Wayne County human service agencies in the delivery of services and acts as the fiscal agent for the nearly $2.5 million in Early On® funds.
Making a Referral
To make a referral for Early On, please do one of the following:
- Call the Wayne RESA Referral Hotline at (734) 334-1393 or 1-800-EARLYON.
- email adamss@resa.net.
- visit the Early On online referral state website.
Key Resources
Great Start Collaborative - Wayne (GSC-W) - Wayne RESA partners with the Great Start Collaborative - Wayne (GSC-W) grant from the Office of Great Start. Their website includes resources for parents and staff working with young children.
Help Me Grow - Wayne County community partners that are committed to ensuring ALL children under the age of 5 receive routine developmental screenings.
Early Childhood Resources
Early Childhood Services for Parents
If you are concerned about your child's development, our Early On program may assist you by connecting your family to services for children under the age of three. The mantra for Early On is, 'Don't worry, but don't wait."
Early Childhood Content Booklets
Living Literacy
Meaningful Math
Simply Science
Social Studies Success
Birth to Age Five
Kindergarten Enrollment and Alternative Programs
Parent & Community Resources
Wayne County Family Resources
Wayne County Department of Health and Human Resources
City of Detroit, Department of Health and Wellness Promotion
Michigan Department of Human Services Assistance Programs
Family Independence Cash Assistance Programs
Family Assistance Resources
Helpful information and other assistance for your family's wellness.
Michigan 2-1-1 Call Center Help Line
Knowing you need help is one thing. Finding someone who can help you is another. The best number to dial is 2-1-1.
DTE Energy Savings Face Sheet
Detailing four main energy saving behaviors that can reduce your family's energy costs.
DTE Energy Assistance Highlights
An overview of assistance options for families having, or expect to have, problems paying their energy bills.
DTE Energy Case Management Program
DTE Energy’s Case Management Program is designed to help customers lower their outstanding energy bills and independently manage bill payments.
Family Resource Calendar
Find FREE or low-cost resources including food assistance, shelter assistance, parenting, health and wellness, addiction services and much more.
Tips for getting your kids to save energy
Michigan College Guide
A resource for current and future students and families. Affordable Colleges Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing free higher education tools for current and future college students and their families, recently published research on all the Not-For-Profit universities and colleges in Michigan that offer online college programs.
Teen Drivers Resource Guide for Parents
How teens can prepare for driving their first car.
Early Childhood Services Contacts
Dr. Kelly Anderson Early Childhood Social and Emotional Development Consultant (734) 334-1316 Send an Email
Lateefah Scott Special Programs Administrative and Fiscal Consultant - Early Childhood (734) 334-1503 Send an Email