Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC)

Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC)
The Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC) is a partnership between Wayne RESA and any district within the state of Michigan (outside of Wayne County), for the purpose of supporting multilingual education statewide. As the largest ISD in Michigan, with over one third of all multilingual learners (MLLs), Wayne RESA is well positioned to take on this initiative of reaching out to every school district in the state.
Michigan districts with Title III allocations less than $10,000 must join a consortium to be eligible to receive the funds. The purpose of the Mi-MC is to provide the members with access to professional learning opportunities as well as to office hours with Wayne RESA multilingual consultants, in lieu of their allocated Title III Part A – Language Instruction for English Learners funds.
Professional learning opportunities include English Learners 101, Newcomers, SIOP Model (Sheltered Instruction), WIDA Assessments (Screeners & ACCESS), and WIDA ELD Standards. In addition to having unlimited access to all virtual multilingual professional development opportunities, the Mi-MC members will have access to virtual office hours with Wayne RESA multilingual consultants throughout the school year and will become members of our multilingual learner network.
How to Join?
To join the Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC), simply fill out the Sign-Up Form (or scan the QR code). Upon completion of the signup process, Wayne RESA staff will be in contact with the individual you identify to provide next steps.