Multilingual Learner

Wayne County is home to one third of all Multilingual Learners in Michigan. Wayne RESA strives to increase high quality equitable opportunities for Multilingual Learners and their families across Wayne County.

Wayne RESA’s direct service model was phased out effective June 2023. The Multilingual Department continues to plan for future opportunities. Through the Transitional Model, all 33 districts and 97 PSAs will have access to WRESA support as they strengthen services to multilingual learners.

For districts developing a Language Assistance Program (LAP) or looking to refine an established ML program, the WRESA Multilingual Department provides differentiated support through a tiered model of professional development, consultation, and coaching.

Consultants are available to provide information, resources, networking opportunities and support needed to take the education of multilingual learners in Wayne County to the next level. Please contact us if you would like more information on the services we provide.

Based on our recent work and feedback from focus groups last spring, the WRESA Multilingual Department is excited to provide differentiated support to all Wayne County districts via a tiered system of professional learning, consultation, and coaching. View our brochure by clicking the image and contact us to learn how we can design support for your district to ensure the success of your multilingual learners.

Here you will find information about our upcoming events.

Click on any event below to learn more.

Upcoming Events

6927 B - Seal of Biliteracy Training
6927 B - Seal of Biliteracy Training
Date: Apr 2
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6927 B - Seal of Biliteracy Training

The language assets of students deserve recognition and celebration. This webinar is aimed at Wayne County district and school administrators, as well as high school staff involved in assisting students in preparing for and applying for the Michigan Seal of Biliteracy (MSOB). Participants will receive updates on WC-specific MSOB application procedures, awards progress, language assessment tests, materials, deadlines, and more.

The MSOB was created to encourage students to study world languages and to embrace their native and heritage languages. It recognizes high school graduates who demonstrate language proficiency in English and at least one additional world language. Beyond providing employers with a means to identify individuals with strong language and biliteracy skills, the MSOB serves as a tool for colleges and universities to acknowledge applicants’ language abilities for admission, placement, and college credits.

Join us as we celebrate our languages and elevate the assets of all our language learners!

This event will have both General and College Counselor SCECHs available.
6719C eSIOP Training (2-week course begins)
6719C eSIOP Training (2-week course begins)
Date: Apr 7
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6719C eSIOP Training

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is widely considered the best instructional model to support multilingual learners (English learners) in English proficiency development and academic achievement. SIOP is the only empirically-validated model of sheltered instruction. Do you have multilingual learners in your school or classroom? Students with disabilities? Students who have been historically disenfranchised? Students who may need extra support with content concepts and skills? SIOP components and features can benefit all of these learners. This virtual SIOP Training is divided into 9 modules: 3 are synchronous (live) and 6 are asynchronous (at your own pace). This training incorporates a wide variety of technology tools into the SIOP model to support learning for ALL learners. Participants will have two weeks to complete all modules. **All sessions and asynchronous work must be attended and completed to receive SCECHs**
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)
Date: Apr 15
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)

The purpose of this network is to provide a space for all educators working directly with newcomers to learn, collaborate, and share ideas and strategies to best serve their newcomers.

-Build a collaborative community of educators to better serve newcomers
and their families
-Provide a space for collaboration and new learning opportunities for
educators of newcomers
-Equip educators with strategies to promote English language development
(ELD) and meaningful access to curriculum for newcomers

Both General and College Counselor SCECH credits are available.

6917 Wayne County Multilingual Collaborative (WCMC)
6917 Wayne County Multilingual Collaborative (WCMC)
Date: Apr 16
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6917 Wayne County Multilingual Collaborative (WCMC)

Wayne County (WC) is the largest county in the state in terms of population and is home to more than one-third of all multilingual learners in Michigan. As such, WC educators have much to offer and, indeed, much to celebrate. The Wayne County Multilingual Collaborative (WCMC) meeting presents an excellent opportunity for our WC education leaders and their representatives to come together, celebrate the successes of our schools and districts, and explore ways for collaboration and partnerships. It is also an opportunity to meet in person with the MDE representative and openly discuss important upcoming initiatives and changes in funding, policies, and programs related to multilingual education.

We look forward to your participation in this event and to celebrating your accomplishments in advancing multilingual education in your schools and classrooms.
MDE EL Statewide Webinar
9:30 AM
MDE EL Statewide Webinar
Date: Apr 16
Time: 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)
Date: May 13
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6919 Newcomer Educator Network (NEN)

The purpose of this network is to provide a space for all educators working directly with newcomers to learn, collaborate, and share ideas and strategies to best serve their newcomers.

-Build a collaborative community of educators to better serve newcomers
and their families
-Provide a space for collaboration and new learning opportunities for
educators of newcomers
-Equip educators with strategies to promote English language development
(ELD) and meaningful access to curriculum for newcomers

Both General and College Counselor SCECH credits are available.

6915 Multilingual (ML) Updates
6915 Multilingual (ML) Updates
Date: May 21
Calendar: WRESA Multilingual Events
6915 Multilingual (ML) Updates

The purpose of these meetings is primarily to provide updates around multilingual education and Title III, including federal and MDE initiatives, best practices for multilingual learners and families, and opportunities for collaboration and professional learning for educators. We will also provide time for collaborative conversations around current topics and issues in the field.

Michigan Multicultural Consortium

The Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC) is a partnership between Wayne RESA and any district within the state of Michigan (outside of Wayne County), for the purpose of supporting multilingual education statewide.

Click the image above to view our Michigan Multilingual Consortium (Mi-MC) page.

Professional Development Opportunities

View Course Offerings on Learning Stream

Note: Select Multilingual Learner from the category menu.

Multilingual Learner Contacts

Mari Treece
Executive Director of Educational Services
Kelly Caltabiano
Administrative Assistant
Khalil El-Saghir
Multilingual Consultant
Zeinab Haidous
Multilingual Consultant
Kalyn Wulatin
Multilingual Consultant