Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder Defined Determination
ASD is considered a lifelong developmental disability that adversely affects a student's educational performance in 1 or more of the following performance areas: ACADEMIC, BEHAVIORAL, SOCIAL.
ASD is typically manifested before 36 months of age. A child who first manifests the characteristics after age 3 may also meet criteria. ASD is characterized by qualitative impairments in reciprocal social interactions, qualitative impairments in communication, and restricted range of interest/repetitive behavior.
ASD rule including a break down of eligibility determination
Wayne RESA Resources
Wayne RESA ASD staff provides online resources and supports to our districts, students, and families. In addition we are working collaboratively with districts to provide professional development and hotline support during this at home continuous learning time.
Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education (MARSE)
Distance Learning for Special Education
Supporting Individual with Autism through Uncertain Times
Best Practice Series Resource Page
Yes They Can! Students in Action
Burger School (Student video presentations and skits)
Who's on First
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Honeymoon History
The Flintstones
ASD Resources
ASD in Michigan
MDE State Plan for ASD
MAASE ~ Considerations for students receiving Insurance based treatment/Intervention
General Information on ASD
US Government on Autism
Center for Disease Control
START/ Autism Center
Indiana Resource Center for ASD
Ohio Center for Autism
National Professional Development Center ASD
Learning Modules/Videos
Autism Internet Modules
MAST modules
Dynamic Learning Maps (CC Essential Elements)
Livebinder SIgnificant Impairments
Parent Information
Navigating Services for Young Children with ASD ~A Michigan Guide for Families
A Parent's Guide to ASD (NIMH)
Wayne RESA school districts offer a continuum of educational placements for students, pre-k through post-secondary, who have autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and require special education services.
First step:
On the continuum is the general education classroom with or without special education support. Students may receive needed accommodations by the general education teacher. General education teachers may receive strategies/ accommodation support from special education staff.
Second and third step:
on the continuum offers more support from special education. Special education staff may provide anywhere from 1-3 hours of direct or indirect support to a full day of special education programming with other students with disabilities (not only ASD).
Center Programs offer two levels of programming:
Fourth step:
ASD classroom located in a general education building with special and general education students assigned to the building (designated for students who exhibit moderate to severe characteristics of ASD).
Fifth step:
ASD classroom located in a separate facility with only special education students assigned to the building (designated for students who exhibit severe characteristics of ASD).
The ultimate goal of a center program is to provide students with the skills they need to successfully return to their resident district. With that goal in mind, yearly discussions about the student's LRE, their life-long goals and the progress they are making towards those goals are essential.
School Completion
Certificate of Completion
The majority of students in an ASD center-based program follow the Common Core Essential Elements (CCEE). Therefore most students, who exit an ASD center program after completing the high school curriculum, are eligible for a certificate of completion - not a diploma. Diplomas are issued based on the MMC aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Discussions about diploma vs. certificate outcomes should take place early in a student’s school career and continue until the student completes an Educational Development Plan (EDP) in middle school.