Parent Advisory Committee (WCPAC)


Wayne County Parent Advisory Committee (WCPAC) members often serve as an information source for other parents in their community. Each of our local school districts are encouraged to appoint one or two PAC representatives. Each monthly business meeting of the WCPAC includes a parent training segment on issues identified by the members.

"Each intermediate school district in Michigan is required to appoint a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), composed of representatives from each of its constituent districts. The representatives "shall consist only of parents of students with disabilities with at least 1 parent from each constituent local school district and public school academy..."

- Rule 340.1838 Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education Supplemented with Selected IDEA Federal Regulations, March 2012 

Thursday, February 13, 2025 PAC Meeting Announcement

Meeting Topic 

This month, we are discussing the Appointment of Surrogate Parents for Special Education and Early Intervention Services. This month's meeting will be virtual. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025 PAC Meeting Announcement

Meeting Topic 

We are excited to welcome Michigan Alliance for Families! They will discuss and share information related to free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment (FAPE in the LRE). This will be a virtual meeting full of information that every parent will want to hear.

WCPAC Meeting Schedule

WCPAC meetings are held on the second Thursday of the following months: September, October, November, January, February, April, and May (unless otherwise noted).

Please join us! You can attend this in-person meeting at Wayne RESA in Boyd’s Auditorium. 33500 Van Born Road, Wayne, MI 48184.

Text @wcpacmtg to 81010 for an SMS reminder text. For email, follow the instructions on

Wayne RESA PAC Representatives

Vita Lusk
Director of Special Education and Early Intervention Services
Theresa Franklin
Special Education Consultant
Celeste Johnson
Special Education Consultant